The ILCA UK Team
Ellie Ratusniak
Association Secretary
Tim Hulse
Training Officer
Alan Davis
Fiona Attwell
Safeguarding officer & Female ILCA Sailors (FIS) Representative
Guy Noble
Media and Sponsors
Mark Lyttle
Neil Collingridge
Vice Chair
Keith Videlo
Sailing Secretary (Transition)
Steve Taylor
Treasurer (Transition)
Sam Whaley
Webmaster - Design
ILCA 7 Representative
ILCA UK Committee - Continued
ILCA 4 Rep - Roger Hakes
ILCA 6 Rep - Jane Sunderland
Masters Rep - VACANT
Safety Officer - Brett Lewis
Wales Regional Rep - Iain MacLaverty
Scorer - Andy Wyatt
Committee member - Neil Collingridge
Committee member - Pamela Cross
Chair Youth Regional Group - Mike Powell
Non Committee Contacts
Grand Prix Coordinator - John Ling
ILCA UK Office - Ellie Ratusniak
ILCA UK Enquiries - Leo Wilson
Race Team - James Hynes
Builder’s Rep - Chris Turner (Ovington)
RYA Rep - Oli Woodcock
PRO/Bosun - Paul Jackson
EDI (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion) Champion - Nik James
Webmaster - Leo Wilson
If you would like to help out the ILCA in any shape or form please feel free to get in touch with us.
ILCA UK Committee meetings take place one evening a month via Zoom and lasts for 1hr.
Previous Committee Minutes can be found here.
Website Credits
Homepage photo of Nick Thompson at the ILCA Europeans 2019. Credit to: Neuza Aires Pereira
Website created by Sam Whaley.
SCM by Sailing Club Manager