©Georgie Altham

©Georgie Altham

“Anyone who asks me what the Laser Nationals were like gets the same answer, “they didn’t mess about!” . It isn't much fun turning up to the nationals when you don't have much experience; you don't know anyone, you get beat hard and there isn't that much going on. So when I rocked up to Plymouth, not having sailed for 15 years or not knowing anybody, I didn't have the best of attitudes! True to form I got beaten badly on the first day but that's when this year’s adjustments kicked in! Dejected, I was met on shore by Guy ‘the Silver Fox' Noble . He said not to worry, that there were race clinics in the morning , Q and A's in the evening and that I'd be assigned a mentor who would make it his business to drive me up the fleet! By the next day I’d beaten somebody and by the third day I’d beaten 5! Everyone in that fleet saw to it that I got better. When the racing was cancelled due to light winds, out came the paddle boards and the good times continued. By Friday I found myself , briefly, sailing across the fleet. Dan Whiteley gave me a positive thumbs up, summing up the whole week nicely: good sailing, good times and good sports.”

John Pitkethly 210191

There will be lots of opportunities to learn and improve your sailing at the Nationals.  Check out what will be on offer below.

  •  Morning Race Clinics

  • Q&A Panels with the day’s winners

  • Mentor/Mentee Scheme

  • Briefing on local conditions

  • Rules Talks

  • Buddy Races (if racing postponed/cancelled)

  • Top Sailor Talks and Q&As (at Gala Dinner)

George Povall leading a Race Clinic

George Povall leading a Race Clinic

Morning Race Clinic

Every day (except Wednesday) there will be a Race Clinic. Saturday at 10.30 am, Sunday-Tuesday at 9.30 am. These will be led by top sailors at the event and will cover various topics from set up/rigging to boat speed down wind, from pre race strategy to wave technique. A great opportunity to listen to our best sailors, see what they do differently, and ask them those questions that you’ve always wanted answered. (How much kicker should I be using up wind in 6 knots etc. etc?…)

2021 Race Clinics will be led by:

Sam Whaley, Daisy Collingridge, Norman Struthers, Jake Farren-Price, Jon Emmett

Q&A Panel

To kick off the evenings events, you will have the opportunity to question the day's winners at the Daily Prize Giving from Sunday to Tuesday.

We aim for this to be after dinner at around 7pm from Saturday to Monday and during the Gala Dinner on Tuesday 17th August.  

©Georgie Altham

©Georgie Altham

Mentor/Mentee Scheme

We are hoping everyone will get involved with the Mentor/Mentee Scheme at the Nationals. It’s a great way to meet fellow sailors and get some sailing tips and encouragement.

At the Welcome Evening on Friday evening, we will allocate the pairings for the Mentor/Mentee Scheme with a “Lucky Dip”. Mentees will choose their Mentors by picking their names out of a hat. We would like to encourage you to really engage with your Mentor/Mentee at the Nationals, so as to get the most out of the experience and get everyone talking to each other. The  Mentor/Mentee List will also be displayed on the notice board.

There will even be prizes awarded for most improved Mentee/Mentor pairing, based on which Mentors get nominated by their Mentees and also the most improved Mentee from Day 1 to Day 5.

If you’re a Mentor…

Your mentee may have specific questions about sailing a Laser, or racing/ starting etc.  Just be as helpful as you can and try and improve their sailing.

  1. Search out your Mentee, hopefully at the Welcome Evening.

  2. Give advice on any aspects of Laser sailing

  3. Sail set up for the conditions

  4. Ideas about getting a good start

  5. Help with wind/tide strategy

  6. Give advice on sailing up wind /down wind in waves.

  7. How to cope with big fleets.

If you’re a Mentee…

Your Mentor will try answer any questions you may have about sailing/racing an ILCA.

  1. Search out your mentor, hopefully at the Welcome Evening.

  2. Feel free to ask advice on any aspects of Laser sailing

  3. Ask  advice on sail set up

  4. How to get a good start

  5. Which way to go upwind- wind/tidal considerations

  6. How to sail upwind/downwind in waves

  7. How to cope with racing in a big fleet

Make sure you nominate your Mentor if you wish to be considered for the Mentor/Mentee prizes either by email to the office or by hand. State briefly in what way your Mentor has helped you.

If you feel your pairing is not right…

Please feel free to swap roles with your partner. If you feel you are both at same level just have a chat about the racing together. If you have any other questions or concerns then please speak to one of the UKLA Team.