British sailor takes on world’s best to raise funds for Just a Drop

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Twenty-six-year-old British sailor David Paul is set to join the crème de la crème of the

sailing world when he tackles the gruelling La Solitaire Du Figaro yacht race this

summer—all to raise funds for international water charity, Just a Drop.

Dubbed the World Championship of offshore sailing, the 2500-mile single handed offshore

sailing race is considered one of the toughest in the world and among the largest events on

France’s sporting calendar.

A rookie to the event, David will be one of only two Brits taking part in the yachting

spectacle which attracts Olympians, World Champions, European Champions, national

champions, Vendee Globe and The Ocean Race winners—no mean feat for the young man

from Ealing who first learned to sail as a youngster during the school holidays at Hillingdon

Outdoor Activities Centre.

As a nine-year-old, his first ambition was to beat as many grown-ups as possible, but he

soon found himself competing in regional, national and now, international racing. His first

experience of long-distance offshore racing took him from the UK to the Netherlands during

which he discovered the thrill of night sailing, and the adrenalizing combination of

adventure and sport.

“I discovered the race La Solitaire du Figaro during that first offshore race when we were

overtaken by a French boat. Rather than trying to catch the passing yacht, the people I was

sailing with merely responded with, ‘They’re a Figaro sailor. We can’t stop them’. Pretty

quickly I went into research mode about this race and I was determined to be a part of it.

“The French are so dominant in this form of sailing that the standard of racing at La Solitaire

du Figaro is significantly higher than at any other international offshore sailing race. As such

only the bravest or craziest non-French sailors decide to take them on in their home

waters,” David said.

Inspired by the hours spent on the water training in his 10-metre Figaro racing yacht, David

felt he wanted to take the opportunity to raise awareness about Just a Drop and the work of

the charity to bring clean drinking water and sanitation to impoverished communities across

the globe.

“The irony of water in the world we live in is that we are surrounded by it, yet we cannot

drink it. When we race, this is especially apparent. We are surrounded by water, yet we can

only take 4 litres of drinking water for each day of competition. That makes you fully

appreciate clean water as a resource,” David said.

“As such, the idea to take Just a Drop to one of the biggest sailing races was born. In helping

to provide clean water to thousands who desperately need it, Just a Drop have undertaken

a huge challenge. In my own little way, I have taken on a huge challenge myself. By

partnering with Just a Drop, I believe we can help each other in achieving these goals.”

Currently based in Lorient, Brittany to make the most of training opportunities, David is

hoping to raise as much as he can for Just a Drop from La Solitaire du Figaro supporters both

sides of the Channel.

The race, which is made up of four stages, will start on August 22 in Saint-Nazaire and work

its way down the Spanish coast then up to Lorient. The second leg will see competitors

follow the French coast north and around the famous tidal section at Riaz. David will have

the opportunity to test his skills in home water when the third leg of the race heads to the

south coast of the United Kingdom before returning to France and the final leg on

September 12 across the Celtic Sea to the Fastnet Rock off Southwest Ireland then back to

where the race started.

“I am incredibly excited to be competing against some of the best sailors in the world. Quite

thrilling for a guy who learnt how to sail as something to do in the school holidays. And to

be raising money for such an important charity at the same time, it doesn’t get any better

than that!”

If you would like to assist in David Paul’s Just a Drop fundraising efforts, visit and make a donation.

Note to Editors

For more information visit: www.

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