Investing in our sailors

UKLA to invest £25,000 in sailing in 2022

The last 2 years have been difficult to forecast financially, as we didn’t know what the impact of the pandemic on membership and events would be. As things have stabilised, we have agreed a budget for 2022 that includes investing more than £25,000 in sailing. We are able to do this because membership actually increased through the pandemic and because of the ongoing support of the RYA and our sponsors, especially Noble Marine and Vaikobi.


We will invest by running events and training at below their cost to us to give members access to even greater value sailing.

Our plan is to spend the £25,000 as follows:

Grand Prix Circuit (£5,000) – new for this year, we will be contributing to the prize fund for each of the regional circuits. Richard Mason, our new National GP Co-Ordinator also has a fund to be used to pay for coaches for 21 days of club level training. Watch for more information on how clubs can access for this funding.

 Super Grand Prix (£4,500) – Super Grand Prix bring together coaching on a Saturday with racing on a Sunday. UKLA will fund up to 4 coaches at each of the planned SGPs. This means that the only cost to members for the coaching will be the fees charged by the club.

Qualifiers, Inlands and Masters (£7,000) – The most significant cost of running these events is the fees that we pay to the organising venue. We will aim to run the events at below the cost being charged to us to give great racing at the lowest entry fees.

Open training (£4,000) – making some of the best training available at the lowest cost we can by covering some of the coaching costs.

Nationals (£3,500) – We will continue to develop the racing and social sides of the Nationals whilst keeping the entry fees low.

Yearbook (£1,500) – historically, we produced 4 editions of Gybe a year. The move to an annual Yearbook and covering much of the production and distribution costs with advertising is helping us invest more in training and events.

Steve Taylor

UKLA Treasurer

Get in touch if you have any questions





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