Qualifying Events Spring 2020

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We are looking forward to welcoming you to all our 2020 events, starting with the Spring qualifiers next month.

If you have not signed up yet - … what are you waiting for?

Your entry will only be accepted if the payments has reached us before the deadline. This slight change will allow us to provide venues with a full list of entrants in plenty of time before the event and will make the registration, tally and the posting of results a much smoother process for sailors and all staff and volunteers involved. And we do like to keep all of volunteers happy because without them, these events would simply not run. Help us all out by entering early and paying promptly.

As always, the more volunteers the merrier! Get involved! We would love your help to stop us running around like headless chickens trying to pull things together. The power is in numbers and volunteering is paramount in building and maintaining a strong class.

If you have not attended an event before, we provide pasta at all events to stop sailors getting ‘h-angry’ after coming off the water, as well as evening meals. Pasta is on us, but you will need to book and pay for the evening meal. At the first qualifier at WPNSA we will have Italian Night. It’s £10.00 - including a DESSERT (Tota tenerinia which is Italian brownie with ice cream…. Yumyum…) The full menu and bookings are available on the entry page here. Again, booking in advance makes planning much MUCH easier for everyone, so over to you.

We will also aim to provide evening entertainment/useful talks to sailors as well as parents. If there is anything in particular that you would like to hear/see, then let us know and we will try to arrange it for you. I can’t promise we can get a ventriloquist, but all sensible requests will be considered!

All our events are supported by our Class Scorer Nik James and if you have any questions about scoring applied, you can ask him at events or ping him an email scorer@laser.org.uk This does not include protests – they need to be dealt with within the rules and any queries need to be raised at events.

Lastly, please remember these events are organised for UKLA members, and for that – you need to be one! If you have not renewed your membership yet, now is the time…


RYA Dinghy Show 29th Feb - 1st March 2020
