Extract from The Laser Book by Tim Davison

Taking A Penalty

 If you collide with another boat during a race and are in the wrong, sail clear then make a 720⁰ turn (including two tacks and two gybes). This is a Two-Turns Penalty. You have now absolved yourself, so sail on.


If you hit a buoy sail clear, then make a 360⁰ turn (including a tack and a gybe). This is a One-Turn Penalty. You have taken your medicine, so sail on. Note that in either case you have to keep clear of other boats while you’re spinning.


A One-turn penalty

A two-turn penalty

On a crowded race course there will inevitably be some collisions and someone will be in the wrong and have to take a penalty

You’re going to be doing plenty of penalties as you learn to race, so now that you can tack and gybe why not practise sailing in circles? Lijia Xu famously had to take a penalty while leading the Laser Radial medal race in the 2012 London Olympics. She just got on and did it and still won the race and the gold medal. (Read about this in her amazing autobiography, Golden Lily.) Who better to show you how to do a 720⁰ turn? We show you here just the first turn.

The Laser Book

© Not to be reproduced without written permission from Fernhurst Books Limited.

The Laser Book is written by Tim Davison, author of over 18 sailing books and medalled at Open & Master European Championships. The Laser Book is his first and most successful book and is currently in its sixth edition.

To learn more from Tim Davison, The Laser Book can be bought here (https://fernhurstbooks.com/books/permalink/21/laser_book).


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