IMPORTANT - Membership cards 2021

This year we will be saving more trees and membership cards will only be available in a digital version.

When you sign up for UKLA events, your membership is checked against the database and with online registration there is no longer a need for you to carry a plastic card. It’s also better for the planet. We like looking after our planet. You may need to show your digital cards at international events, or events where UKLA entry system is not used.

The important part is that all cards will be delivered via EMAIL

If your membership is renewed automatically via direct debit and you are not sure whether we have a correct email address for you, please update your details by clicking the below button.

Similarly, if you wish to receive the Gybe YEARBOOK, please let us have your POSTAL ADDRESS.

Photo credit Georgie Altham

Photo credit Georgie Altham


Chairman's Message


Masters Age Categories Survey Deadline 26th January