UKLA Ranking Ladders

The long awaited ranking files have landed!

Thanks for being patient whilst we worked on moving to a more efficient way of presenting the data. From now on, we will be publishing ladders through Sailwave. Note how you can now sort data by rank, date, name or age category. Massive thanks go to our scorer Nik James for perseverance and patience. If you have any questions or queries with regards to these, please drop Nik a message.

Since Inland Championships were cancelled, we will award top of the Youth Ladder after Nationals 2020 at the next event.

Masters ranking are still held within Masters’ category but some details have been updated. Check it out

Photo credit Georgie Altham

Photo credit Georgie Altham

We are still working to backdate some 11 years of results plus other archives so please still bear with us - it’s a very time consuming task undertaken by Sam Whaley, Milly Gray and Richard Knight. These absolute heroes worked for hours to download data from various places to then place them in an excel sheet. From there, results will be converted into Sailwave files and published. Again, this is a bit of a slow process as well, but we are working with Sailwave to see if we can employ some shortcuts!

As always, if you have had enough of your lockdown routine and looking for some variety, give us a shout and we will fill your time one way or another.

Thank you for supporting Your Association


UKLA Qualifier Stokes Bay


2021 is HERE