Measurement News - Who is the best ILCA Builder?

So, who is the best ILCA builder?

Based on the top boats at the Vilamoura European Olympic Qualifier.....

Mens - 1st - Devoti, 2nd - PSA Australia, 3rd - PSA Australia, 4th -PS Japan

Womens - 1st -Devoti, 2nd - Devoti, 3rd - PS Japan

The results demonstrate that the new ILCA Builders have maintained the strict one-design ethos with no evidence of any advantage to be gained by sailors - GREAT NEWS and exactly as predicted.

Construction quality, service quality, accessibility and price will be (and should be) how the builders differentiate themselves. Anecdotally, one of the Olympic training groups has undertaken extensive measurement and testing across legal LP boats and new builder boats which wholly supports this outcome too.

Long live the ILCA as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the International Laser Class Association in 2021.

Photo by Joao Costa Ferreira.jpg

UKLA South Coast Anniversary Open Regatta - 8/9 May 2021 - WPNSA


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