November UKLA Training record!

By Tim Hulse

On a bright Autumn weekend, the UKLA regional training sprung to life, with over 70 ILCA’s at two different venues taking to the water. Lead coaches Dan Belban and Shaun Priestly ensured all sailors made the most of the conditions and opportunities each day.

@Tim Huse

The UKLA training vision is to have open training that every member can access, regardless of age or ability.

This weekend was no different, all three rigs were seen on the water, with experience ranging from new to the boat ILCA sailors, all the way to ILCA 6 World Championship Medalists.

It was also excellent to see some more ‘mature’ sailors taking to the water in Weymouth, we hope to see even more next time.

Sunday saw all sailors show their respect to those who have represented the country in conflict, with all sailors sitting head to wind during the two-minute silence as our mark of respect.

Two minute silence @Tim Hulse

A big thank you must go to Brightlingsea Sailing Club for their excellent hospitality and fantastic sailing venue, also to WPNSA and the Andrew Simpson Performance Academy for all the vital work they do to help these weekends run.

Lead coach Shaun @Tim Hulse

The logistics behind running such weekends is quite something, waiting lists on entry allow us to ensure all resources are planned and booked accordingly, however frustrating this maybe, I assure you we work tirelessly to keep these too a minimum, with the November and December weekends showing our ability to ensure all sailors wishing to participate get the opportunity.

Finally, a huge thank you to the parents and coaches who make these weekends happen, without the commitment and dedication of both, we would not have such an amazing training culture.

See you on the water soon.



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