Our Sailors page

We enabled a new page on our website dedicated to our sailors!

We would be proud to add and promote YOUR sailor profile to our website. All you need to do is send us up to 100 words about yourself, picture and a link to your sailing dedicated page if you have one.

We started to roll out with our top young volunteers Sam Whaley, Ben Flower and Lydia Barber.

They joined the team and have dedicated their free time to make sure that you have a nice website to look at, podcasts to listen to and a great Dinghy Show stand to visit.

Be sure to listen to these podcasts - they are a brilliant way to get to know the folks you sail against.

Sam has been busy sailing abroad, but he does have time for remote coaching! Find out more here

The Dinghy Show kicks off at 10 on Saturday (27th Feb) and you can visit our stand over the weekend. Lydia Barber and Natalya Williams will be available to chat about sailing whilst being at Uni. We hope you already registered to attend (free) but if not, just click here

And finally, the Sailors page can be found here


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