RYA Volunteer Awards 2021

You may have seen the news about the RYA Volunteer awards this year in the RYA article, but if not, here are some extracts.

Massive congratulations to all those that have been recognised and this include at least three people that contribute to the successes of UKLA:

Rob Cage - Our Chairman!

“Rob has been instrumental in leading the UKLA (formerly UK Laser Class Association) over the last four years, through a very challenging period, initially as Vice Chair and now Chair. He has transformed the Committee, rewriting the constitution and updating the website and electronic media. He has been influential in rekindling strong relationships between the association and the RYA, [the builders - Ed], and other organisations. His open, inclusive style has created an environment where a broad base of volunteers readily supports UKLA events. The committee is now motivated to drive forward positive initiatives to re-engage with the grass roots membership and increase participation in sailing, while maintaining the achievements of the high-performance end of the class. He has led several initiatives to help club sailors, including UKLA-led club training. WhileCovid-19 severely impacted racing throughout 2020, he nevertheless led a hugely successful ULKA National Championship. Rob’s outstanding leadership and effort over the past four years has resulted in the class’s continued success. 2021 has seen its 50th anniversary and thanks to him, the foundations are set for the next 50 years”


Mike Butterfield - Jury Chair

Mike has volunteered for over 50 years ago and has been involved with the Welsh Yachting Association (now RYA Cymru Wales) since 1973. Initially as the Anglesey representative on the Management committee, he has served continuously on the Board and currently holds the position of Chair. He is also RYA Race Management Coordinator for North Wales. Always available to help with all aspects of club and association administration and governance, he has also provided invaluable assistance with race management, and in particular racing documentation. He has supported many local, national and international events over the years, and continues to volunteer as an International Race Officer, International Umpire and International Judge. He supports the RYA Environment and Sustainability programme by advising on planning and strategic implementation of Welsh Government policies, and is a trustee of All Afloat, the charity partner to RYA Cymru Wales. Mike’s passion for, and dedication to, the sport and his knowledge of all things legal and boating have been of great value to the Board throughout the many years he has dedicated to it”


Ken Porter - WPNSA

“Ken has volunteered at Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy (WPNSA), and Chesil Sailability, since 2013. He is known to thousands of competitors in his role as lead operator of the ‘Bridge’, radio room, providing the vital link between on the water and ashore. Typically, the first volunteer on site each day, it is not unusual for him also to be the last to leave. His calm, level-headed and diplomatic approach is one of his greatest attributes at the many events hosted at WPNSA, including the Youth Nationals, Olympic Class regattas and RYA Sailability events. He is always fully in tune with the academy’s procedures and expectations. At the heart of the Bridge team, Ken is a reassuring presence, with the ability to keep ahead of incidents, making sure that the entire race management team can maintain awareness of developing situations. His reassuring voice over the PA system is instantly recognisable.”

Awards Booklet


Happy Holidays
