UKLA Open & National Championships 2021 - WPNSA

The UKLA Open & National Championship will be held at WPNSA (Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy) from Friday 13th to Wednesday 18th August 2021. Come along and join the fun.

The Nationals Pages are now enabled on the website. Click here - Nationals - to find out more about Off - Water Activities, Learning and of course Racing!

We will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of our amazing boat all this year and are planning a special Golden National Championships, followed by the Under 21 Worlds, at the Weymouth Olympic venue - Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy.

Plan is to have a Welcome Evening on the 13th and race Saturday - Wednesday.

Gala Dinner is planned for Tuesday 17th, Covid permitting of course!

We are hoping to bring back all the learning opportunities that we had in 2018/19 - so expect Race Clinics in the mornings, Question and Answer Sessions in the evenings and Mentor/Mentee pairings throughout the event.

We’ve also managed to negotiate a 10% Discount on all Courses/Water Activities with both the Andrew Simpson Foundation and OTC for family members connected to the competitors. This includes scheduled courses in windsurfing, wind-foiling, kitesurfing, SUPing and e-foiling. Passing trade during the event will not receive any discount - it has to be pre-booked at least a month prior to the event.

We will let you know when we get the special discount booking codes.



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SUPER GRAND PRIX 2021 - Celebrating the Golden Anniversary!