SUPER GRAND PRIX 2021 - Celebrating the Golden Anniversary!

Next month features TWO Super Grand Prix events. In the North there is the St Mary’s Loch SGP on 29/30 May, with a coaching team headed by top sailor Lewis Smith. In the South there is the Queen Mary SGP on 22/23 May - we’re expecting a huge local turnout so it could be an epic event!

Entries will be available shortly through the new portal.

NB- The UKLA will be sponsoring the Super Grand Prix in 2021 so you’ll get top quality coaching and racing for a fraction of the usual cost!

Following the success of our Super Grand Prix events in 2019 we are hoping to continue the experience in 2021 (Covid permitting!) For this special Golden Anniversary year the UKLA is planning to fund some of the coaching costs, including paying for a coach on the Sunday. The Sunday coaching would be for all racers- briefings/de briefings and on the water support. We want to give something back to our valued members, and it therefore goes without saying that to take part in a SGP you must be a UKLA member!

Photo credit Georgie Altham

Photo credit Georgie Altham

The Super Grand Prix (SGP) is a fun weekend event consisting of top quality coaching, evening social and competitive racing. Developed to encourage club sailors to take the first steps to an open meeting, and provide a bigger, more sociable event for everyone.

Primarily aimed at club sailors, but not exclusively so, valuing diversity in the fleet, encouraging all ages, gender and rigs to come together to celebrate everything that is the ILCA, with the emphasis on fun. Helping to grow and sustain a healthy club base across the regions, building confidence to take an active part, create ambassadors, whilst helping sailors develop skills and ability to get the most out of ILCA sailing.

There are currently three broad regions - South, Midlands and North.



  • 22/23 May - Queen Mary SC

  • 17/18 July - Pagham YC

  • 7/8 August Castle Cove SC


  • TBC

  • 16/17 October - Staunton Harold SC


  • 29/30 May - St Mary’s Loch

  • 3/4 July - Pennine SC

QM Lasers.jpg

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Masters Update 28 April 21