UKLA National Championships 2020

As you all know the UKLA Nationals is going ahead at Weymouth in August 2020! Seems everyone wants to do it – the British Sailing Team including our Olympic Representatives, Masters sailors, Youth sailors, Club sailors!

We reached the original capacity very quickly. By splitting the fleets we’ve kept competitor numbers as high as possible – ILCA 7/Full Rigs and ILCA 4/4.7’s now capped at 110 combined will race from 24th-26th August. ILCA 6/Radials now capped at 110 will race from 27th-29th August. Be in no doubt, whichever fleet you’re in, the racing will be extremely competitive!

Everything must be done in a Covid secure way, thus:

  • No access to showers or changing rooms

  • Social distancing is essential

  • Groups of 6 people or less

  • Make sure you have a mask with you

  • Registration will be online

  • Please ensure you follow any directions extremely carefully

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We hope to have daily prize givings, question and answer sessions, and prize draws each evening  as they have proved extremely popular at the last two Nationals - the difference obviously this year is that they will all be on Zoom and posted online.

Many thanks to our major daily sponsors who will be giving away fantastic prizes at the prize draws: Ovington Boats, Sailingfast, Sailboats, and our other generous sponsors including South East Sailboats and Noble Marine.

There’ll be free pasta pots after racing for all competitors – served in a Covid secure way of course.

Lorenzo Chiavarini - current European Champion - will host a Race Briefing for all on the Sunday night. This will be after the official Competitors’ Briefing from our PRO Paul Jackson, video of which to be released at 6.00 pm. Both briefings will be held on line. Similarly, top coach and UKLA Training Officer Tim Hulse will host a Race Briefing on the Wednesday night for all Radial sailors after the Competitors’Briefing at 6.30 pm. Superstar Nick Thompson has also offered to do us a briefing, so that’s very exciting!- details to follow…

Finally, a very important message from our Chairman Rob Cage:

“Getting excited, only 12 days till the 2020 UKLA Nationals. Absolute sell out, all the great and the good will be there.

Quick reminder - this will be a very different Regatta to any you have sailed before. Being Covid safe means most things at the event have changed.

Please ensure you are up to speed on all the latest Covid statute, Govt and RYA guidance. Please read the rules and guidance of the Organising Authority, UKLA and WPNSA. If you don't think you will be able to comply with these rules please withdraw now and keep everybody safe.

See you afloat,


UKLA Chair”

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UKLA AGM 2020 Notice


Laser Masters Update - 22 July 2020